Hispanic + Digital = Growth Delivered

At Captura Group, we’ve always been passionate about driving growth for our clients by engaging with online Hispanics through high quality content and great user experience. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our own digital platform that reflects our core values as an award-winning Hispanic digital advertising agency. The platform is full of insights, ideas and resources to consider when looking to connect with digital Hispanics, and consists of a new Captura Group site, Hispanic Online Marketing blog, social channels, and monthly newsletter.
In a world where content is king, sharing our industry specific knowledge and success in Hispanic digital marketing was a no brainer. Front and center, you’ll find new and valuable Hispanic marketing resources including:
- White Papers: Whether you’re looking for a crash course on the Hispanic Online Market or a comprehensive guide for Content Marketing to Hispanics, our Hispanic marketing white papers have you covered.
- Case Studies: Four new, detailed case studies outlining how we have helped brands like POND’S, Knorr, and Dias Grandiosos, our award-winning Hispanic digital platform for Kellogg’s, reach Hispanics online.
- Hispanic Digital Insights: In order to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of the Hispanic digital market, look to our Insights & Ideas section where you’ll find the latest in research and trends as seen through the lense of Hispanic marketing professionals. Content is also dynamically aggregated and displayed on the Hispanics Insights & Ideas page via our blog, HispanicOnlineMarketing.com.
Creating a visually appealing site with great user experience is more complex than ever due the rise of web browsing on smartphones and tablets. To give our site visitors a great experience, regardless of device, we implemented the same user-first recommendations we make to our clients:
- Responsive: We took a mobile first approach design and developed our site responsively. This allows for optimal viewing, reading and navigating across devices as the site responds to the display it is accessed on and serves information in a way that makes sense to the user.
- Interactive: See Captura Group social posts from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram updated in real time throughout the site and easily share our content to your channels too. Visitors can also scroll through or search to find Hispanic digital insights and sign up for our newsletter.
- Animated: Movement begins on our homepage. Gifs, short videos, and infographics relating to our company culture and expertise became a fun and engaging way to share more about our team and #lifeatCaptura. All images and videos were custom shot on-site.
We’re looking forward to starting a new year with a refreshed site and a positive outlook on the direction of Hispanic digital marketing. As always, if you’re looking for guidance on why, how, or where to reach the digital Hispanic market, or simply want to let us know what you think of the new site, please get in touch.